The kWeld spot welder can be likened to a highly sophisticated switch, with the MOSFET as its key component.  Like a dam on the water, they must endure the slamming waves of electrons that crash onto it.  Designed to offer a long service life when operated within its design specifications, how would changes in inductance potentially challenge the kWeld's reliability?

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kCap, kSupply, Lead Acid battery, LIPO battery, power sources for kWeld -

kWeld is a very capable battery spot welder. It can handle up to 2000 amperes of current at up to 30 volts. You are best to aim for 1500 to 1800 amps at 12volts or less to achieve a good level of performance. A very common question we get is how to select a good power source.  Continue reading to learn about three common power source options.

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